简介:性感保姆 别名:性感小保姆 / A Housekeeper / The Housekeeper 雅克是个录音师,住在布斯区已很多年。几个月前他的老婆离开了他,他的重日子在单调的作业里,小饭馆还有乱糟糟的公寓中没有什么改动。直到有一天他注意到一张纸:;年青女郎欲做钟点工。"他见到洛哈,年青的市郊女孩。在一段时间里,雅克发现这个充满热情生机的女孩从头唤醒了他对日子的感受。
简介:丹麦经典喜剧电影精选全集系列之 Rektor pa sengekanten (1972) ,别名:: Bedside Head nbsp;一个男孩的寄宿学校的年轻校长已经决定,由于他年轻的费用性能力,他们是一种国宝。他认为,他的学校教育应成为共同尽快。为了提高资金的转换,男孩留下他们的暑假期间,暂时将学校变成一个爱的酒店。
简介:早上,虔诚的农场主陶尔(Max von Sydow 饰)夫妻做过了祷告,随后安排女儿卡琳骑马为教堂送一些蜡烛,卡琳穿上了新制的盛装,邀请家里的养女英格丽同行。有孕在身的英格丽性格放纵,并一直嫉妒卡琳的明媚人生,出行前,英格丽在食物中塞进了一只蛤蟆。行至一片森林前,英格丽让卡琳独自上路而自己尾随观察。林中的三个牧羊人看到孤身一人的卡琳顿起歹意,他们奸污后又打死了卡琳,掳走她的外套。傍晚,三名牧羊人投宿陶尔家中,向陶尔妻子兜售卡琳的衣物,惊慌的英格丽亦同时回到家中,她向陶尔忏悔了自己诅咒卡琳的罪行。陶尔沐浴更衣,以白桦树枝抽打自己后,决意用很双手为女儿报仇…… 本片获1961年奥斯卡最佳外语片奖,1960年戛纳电影节特别推荐奖。
简介:The House of Gaunt - Lord Voldemort Origins is a short film directed by Joris FAUCON GRIMAUD about Voldemort origins. The House of Gaunt is an unofficial short film who tells about the Voldemort origins, inspired by the Harry Potter universe from J.K. Rowling's book « Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince ». It is freely adapted for the screen and directed by Joris FAUCON GRIMAUD. This is a non-profit movie production that is unaffiliated andor controlled by Warner Bros. Made by fans for fans.
简介:Atka Natas is a secret agent from the oppressive regime of Liquidatzia. He visits his estranged wife Vera, a chemist who is involved with a group of exiles trying to smuggle their compatriots out of Liquidatzia. Almkvist, an honest local policeman and former lover of Vera's, contacts her while investigating the death of one of the refugees. Natas has a list of agents operating in the host country and wants to sell them to the Americans. However before he can do so, Vera tries to kill him, after an argument about getting her parents out of Liquidatzia.
简介:The cabin crew of Dorcel Airlines is pleased to welcome you on board for a new sexy and horny trip! They are young, they are gorgeous and they have the hottest job in the world: they are flight attendants. They are determined to use their charms to make your flight unforgettable.