简介: The mini-series follows the history of the Roman Empire, from approximately the death of Marcellus (24/23 BC) to Claudius' own death in 54 AD. As Claudius narrates his life, we witness Augustus' attempts to find an heir, often foiled by his wife Livia who wants her son Tiberius to become emperor. We also see the conspiracy of Sejanus, the infamous reign of Caligula, and Claudius' own troubled period of rule.
简介:Aspiring filmmakers Mel Funn, Marty Eggs and Dom Bell go to a financially troubled studio with an idea for a silent movie. In an effort to make the movie more marketable, they attempt to recruit a number of big name stars to appear, while the studio's creditors attempt to thwart them. The film contains only one word of dialogue, spoken by an unlikely source.
简介:The California Atoms are in last place with no hope of moving up. But by switching the mule from team mascot to team member, (He can kick 100 yard field goals!) they start winning, and move up in the rankings, Hurrah! The competition isn't so happy.
简介:Just as the title of Varda said, this is a suitable place in love, those bright colors, like www. iav5.com love when excited enthusiastic, bold, pass ionate, colorful, bright, gorgeous. Provided
简介:茱莉亚(Cathleen Nesbitt 饰)年事已高,家财万贯,可是没有子嗣,也就没有名正言顺的继承者,为此,她找到了女巫师布兰奇(芭芭拉·哈里斯 Barbara Harris 饰)。茱莉亚告诉布兰奇,她的妹妹曾有一个私生子,被她送给别人抚养,如今,她想找到这个可怜的孩子,让他继承家产。
就这样,布兰奇和情人乔治(布鲁斯·邓恩 Bruce Dern 饰)一起展开了调查,得知领养茱莉亚外甥的那个家庭全员葬身于大火之中,而放火的不是别人,正是他们想要找的那个人——爱德华(威廉姆·德瓦内 William Devane 饰)。如今的爱德华改名换姓,成为了一位珠宝商,狡猾的他害怕当年的罪行曝光,于是雇佣了当年帮他脱罪的马罗尼(艾德·劳特 Ed Lauter 饰),让他将布兰奇一行人杀死。
简介:神秘宅邸的主人莱昂内尔·吐温(杜鲁门·卡波特 Truman Capote饰)邀请五位世界著名的侦探来到古堡出席一场神秘的晚宴。他们分别是纽约业余侦探迪克·查尔斯顿(大卫·尼文 David Niven饰),比利时侦探米洛·比埃尔(詹姆斯·可可 James Coco饰),上海检查员西德尼·王(彼得·塞勒斯 Peter Sellers饰),英国人杰西卡·马波尔(爱尔莎·兰切斯特 Elsa Lanchester饰)小姐和来自旧金山的萨姆·戴蒙德(彼得·法尔克 Peter Falk饰)。没人知道这次凶险异常的邀约背后到底隐藏着什么样的杀机,但这五位侦探们还是各自带上一位亲属或朋友来到了这座神秘的宅邸。然而莱昂内尔并没有现身,等待他们的是一连串被精心设计过的谋杀事件。
简介:When a young auto salesman is forced to give up a vacation with his wife in order to drive an American car to its new owner who lives on the French Riviera, he makes the best of things. First, he gets and old friend to ride along with him. Then, the two of them are joined by another pair of men who want to ride south. The four of them have a great time, talking about women and ...
简介:A fifteen-foot grizzly bear figures out that humans make for a tasty treat. As a park ranger tries rallying his men to bring about the bear's capture or destruction, his efforts are thwarted by the introduction of dozens of drunken hunters into the area.
简介:故事发生在意大利的一个小镇之中,指挥官洛伦索(Peter Lühr 饰)的女儿马奎斯(埃迪特·克莱韦 Edith Clever 饰)带着女儿守寡多年,在危难之际得到了伯爵列特里特(布鲁诺·甘茨 Bruno Ganz 饰)的出手相救,才得以幸免于难,马奎斯对伯爵生出了一丝好感,然而,第二天,伯爵便跟随着军队离开了小镇。